
ServiceAktualisiert am 22. März 2024

Data Collection with Drones

Michael Petrosjan

Founder and CFO bei FlyNex

Leipzig, Germany


Collecting data from thousands of buildings, facilities, or areas in many companies is time-consuming and costly. The use of innovative technologies such as drones offers enormous potential savings. However, managing the technical details, compliance and safety regulations, and comprehensive data analysis require extensive expertise and resources. That’s why we offer a full service at FlyNex.

With our full service, we take care of the entire process for you, from data collection with state-of-the-art drones to comprehensive data analysis. Our experienced team will take care of every aspect of your project, from detailed planning, including the appropriate approval processes, to delivery of the finished results.

Save valuable time and resources by putting the technical implementation and complex data analysis in our hands. Get accurate information and make data-based decisions. The perfect solution without risk.


  • Entwicklung
  • Beratung
  • Herstellung & Produktion




Leipzig, Germany

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