Digitale Inspektionen von Infrastruktur
Nutzen Sie unser Produkt zum Management und Durchführung von Inspektionen von Strommasten, -leitungen, Gebäuden, Dächern, Funkmasten o.Ä.
- AI
- SaaS
- Kunden
- Digital Twin
Infrastructure is subject to ever greater demands, while at the same time, manual inspection is becoming increasingly complex, also against the background of the shortage of skilled workers. In addition, hardly any digital information is available. Therefore, the market demands a scalable platform for digital inspection processes. With FlyNex you can get digital insights into its assets that are analyzed by state-of-the-art technologies like AI to detect (potential) damages and rapidly reduce outages. Overall maintenance is improved, and the overview of the condition of the grid is enabled. Given that processes are more efficient and reduce costs significantly.
The FlyNex Enterprise Suite is a digital platform that enables infrastructure operators to inspect their assets automatically - including power pylons and powerlines. The entire process is digital and automated. The assets are digitally inspected using software, drones are given flight patterns for automatic flying, and then the image data is evaluated using artificial intelligence and presented in standard-compliant report form. The solution is implemented within various TSO and DSO that visualize their whole grid within FlyNex and plan their inspection cycles.
Exploration und Erzeugung von Energie und Daten
Verteilung, Speicherung und Transfer von Energie und Daten
Vertrieb und Verwendung von Energie und Daten
Digitale Inspektionen von Infrastruktur
Nutzen Sie unser Produkt zum Management und Durchführung von Inspektionen von Strommasten, -leitungen, Gebäuden, Dächern, Funkmasten o.Ä.
Digital Inspections of Infrastructure
Use our product for the management and execution of inspections of electricity poles, power lines, buildings, roofs, radio towers, etc.
Full Service for Drone Data Generation and Analysis
Drohnenservice zur Datenaufnahme und -auswertung